Analysis and modification of exported 3D Structural Data

All structural data from an entire GeoModeller project can be exported into ASCII files using the function in the GUI:

Export -> 3D Structural Data

This method generates files for defined geological parameters:

  • “Points” (i.e. formation contact points) and
  • “Foliations” (i.e. orientations/ potential field gradients).

Exported parameters include all those defined in sections as well as 3D data points.

The struct_data package contains methods to check, visualise, and extract/modify parts of these exported data sets, for example to import them into a different Geomodeller project. Several of these methods will be explained and tested in this notebook.

The export function generates files with the endings _Foliations.csv and _Points.csv. Classes for both of these data sets are available to handle them accordingly.

# import module
import sys
# as long as not in Pythonpath, we have to set directory:
import struct_data
%pylab inline
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
WARNING: pylab import has clobbered these variables: ['norm']
%matplotlib prevents importing * from pylab and numpy

Point data sets

We will first start with reading and analysing the point data sets:

# only required during testing stage
# use example data
pts = struct_data.Struct3DPoints(filename = r'../data/wt_Points.csv')
array(['Basement', 'CPB_Fault_01', 'CPB_Fault_02', 'CPB_Fault_03',
       'CPB_Fault_04', 'CPB_Fault_05', 'CPB_Fault_06', 'CPB_Fault_07',
       'CPB_Fault_08', 'CPB_Fault_09', 'CPB_Fault_10',
       'CPB_Fault_11_Serpentine', 'CPB_Fault_12_Darling', 'CPB_Fault_13',
       'CPB_Fault_14', 'CPB_Fault_15', 'CPB_Fault_16',
       'CPB_Fault_Transverse_02', 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_03',
       'CPB_Fault_Transverse_04', 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_05',
       'Cattamarra_Coal_Measures', 'Eneabba_Fm', 'Gage_Ss',
       'Kockatea_Shale', 'Late_Triassic', 'Leederville_Fm', 'Lesueur_Ss',
       'Lower_crust', 'Moho', 'Neocomian_Unc', 'Permian', 'Sea_level',
       'South_Perth_Sh', 'Topo', 'Yarragadee_Fm', 'Yilgarn'],

Or, a bit more complex plotting options:

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133)
pts.plot_plane(ax = ax1)
pts.plot_plane(plane = ('x','z'), ax = ax2, color = 'k')
pts.plot_plane(plane = ('y','z'), ax = ax3, color = 'r')

We can also create plots of points for specified formations only:

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133)
pts.plot_plane(ax = ax1, formation_names = ['Basement'])
pts.plot_plane(ax = ax2, formation_names = ['Yarragadee_Fm'], color = 'k')
pts.plot_plane(ax = ax3, formation_names = ['Lesueur_Ss'], color = 'r')

It is also possible to create 3-D perspective plots (not many options yet, but a lot more could be included):

pts.plot_3D(formation_names = ['Basement'])
array(['Basement', 'CPB_Fault_01', 'CPB_Fault_02', 'CPB_Fault_03',
       'CPB_Fault_04', 'CPB_Fault_05', 'CPB_Fault_06', 'CPB_Fault_07',
       'CPB_Fault_08', 'CPB_Fault_09', 'CPB_Fault_10',
       'CPB_Fault_11_Serpentine', 'CPB_Fault_12_Darling', 'CPB_Fault_13',
       'CPB_Fault_14', 'CPB_Fault_15', 'CPB_Fault_16',
       'CPB_Fault_Transverse_02', 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_03',
       'CPB_Fault_Transverse_04', 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_05',
       'Cattamarra_Coal_Measures', 'Eneabba_Fm', 'Gage_Ss',
       'Kockatea_Shale', 'Late_Triassic', 'Leederville_Fm', 'Lesueur_Ss',
       'Lower_crust', 'Moho', 'Neocomian_Unc', 'Permian', 'Sea_level',
       'South_Perth_Sh', 'Topo', 'Yarragadee_Fm', 'Yilgarn'],

Generate subset for defined formations

It is often required to generate a subset of the points, either for specified formations only (although that could also be done during the input in GeoModeller...), or for a defined range/ extent. These options are possible with the package, and selections can be stored to new files:

# only required during testing stage
# use example data
pts = struct_data.Struct3DPoints(filename = r'../data/wt_Points.csv')
pts_subset = pts.create_formation_subset(['Basement'])

Generating a subset for a subvolume

It is also possible to extract data in only a specified range. The range is defined with keywords, e.g. from_x = xx, to_x = xx. All other ranges (not stated) are simply kept as before.

Here an example:

# only required during testing stage
# use example data
pts = struct_data.Struct3DPoints(filename = r'../data/wt_Points.csv')
pts.xmin, pts.xmax, pts.ymin, pts.ymax
(259000.0, 415000.0, 6335020.0, 6610000.0)
pts_subset = pts.extract_range(from_x = 350000., to_y = 6500000)

Now let’s compare the two sets in a plot:

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
pts.plot_plane(ax = ax1, formation_names = ['Basement'])
pts_subset.plot_plane(ax = ax2, formation_names = ['Basement'])
# set ranges to compare plots
ax1.set_xlim((pts.xmin-10000, pts.xmax+10000))
ax1.set_ylim((pts.ymin-10000, pts.ymax+10000))
ax2.set_xlim((pts.xmin-10000, pts.xmax+10000))
ax2.set_ylim((pts.ymin-10000, pts.ymax+10000))
(6325020.0, 6620000.0)

Thin data

In many cases, a lot of data has been digitised for specific locations. This can lead to problems with the kriging interpolation in Geomodeller. A simple function to thin data is implemented here to avoid this problem. The method is really simple and can be quite compute intense (for smalll grids), so check what you are doing!

Note: If spatial data is imported, Geomodeller actually has a functionality for a type of “thinning” - if you work with this data (e.g. digitised from MapInfo), then this might be the function to use...

The thinning is performed for the entire set and not aware of formations (so far...) and works on a grid/ raster base for defined number of cells in each axis direction of nx, ny, nz. The best procedure is therefore to first create a subset for one formation, and then to perform the thinning for this subset:

# only required during testing stage
# use example data
pts = struct_data.Struct3DPoints(filename = r'../data/wt_Points.csv')
pts_sub1 = pts.create_formation_subset('Permian')

Let’s have a look at one formation, the Permian. We can clearly see the dense data in the overlapping regions and the highly defined traces through the model:

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d')
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax1.view_init(elev=30, azim=70)
pts_sub1.plot_3D(ax = ax1)
pts_sub1.plot_plane(ax = ax2)

We want to thin this now with a grid which is n times smaller than the extent in each direction:

nx = 20
ny = 20
nz = 20

pts_sub2 = pts_sub1.thin(nx, ny, nz)
pts_sub1.len, pts_sub2.len
(810, 319)

And compare those to the set above in a plot:

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d')
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax1.view_init(elev=30, azim=70)
pts_sub2.plot_3D(ax = ax1)
pts_sub2.plot_plane(ax = ax2)

Nice, it seems to work (surprised myself...)

Of course, it’s up to the user to evaluate if the thinning is creating “wrong” Geomodels afterwards... good luck!

Combine two point sets

It might be important to combine datasets, for example after thinning two different geological formations. As an example, we will combine the thinned Permian data set from above with the (complete) set for the Basement:

# only required during testing stage
# use example data
pts = struct_data.Struct3DPoints(filename = r'../data/wt_Points.csv')
pts_sub3 = pts.create_formation_subset('Basement')
# create a copy for comparison:
pts_sub3b = pts.create_formation_subset('Basement')


# create a plot of all three point sets:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133)
pts_sub3b.plot_plane(('x','z'), ax = ax1)
pts_sub2.plot_plane(('x','z'), ax = ax2, color='r')
pts_sub3.plot_plane(('x','z'), ax = ax3)
ax1.set_ylim((pts_sub3.zmin, pts_sub3.zmax))
ax2.set_ylim((pts_sub3.zmin, pts_sub3.zmax))
ax3.set_ylim((pts_sub3.zmin, pts_sub3.zmax))
(-15400.0, 454.0)

Note: This function changes the pointset in place and does not return a new one (as for thinning, subsetting, etc.)

Remove formation from point set

It is also possible to remove one or multiple formations from the set. This functionality can be used in combination with thinning and combining to thin only the data set for one formation, and then combine it back into the original set:

# only required during testing stage
# use example data
pts = struct_data.Struct3DPoints(filename = r'../data/wt_Points.csv')

print("Original length of point set: %d" % pts.len)

# formation to perform thinning:
formation = 'Permian'

# first step: extract formation
pts_perm = pts.create_formation_subset(formation)

# now remove from original

# perform thinning
nx = ny = nz = 20
pts_perm_thinned = pts_perm.thin(nx, ny, nz)

# and now combine back with original:

print("New length of point set (after thinning): %d" % pts.len)
Original length of point set: 14184
New length of point set (after thinning): 13693

Save new set to file

Of course, we want to save this new and adapted data set to a file! This is also simply possible with:

# only required during testing stage
# use example data
pts = struct_data.Struct3DPoints(filename = r'../data/wt_Points.csv')

# extract defined range and only Basement points:
pts_subset = pts.create_formation_subset(['Basement'])
pts_subset_1 = pts_subset.extract_range(from_x = 350000., to_y = 6500000)"new_Points.csv")

Change formation names

Sometime it is required to adjust the name of a formation or unit in the point set, for example for combination with another point set. This operation is possible with a dictionary for one or more formations with a mapping old -> new name:

# only required during testing stage
# use example data
pts = struct_data.Struct3DPoints(filename = r'../data/wt_Points.csv')

print pts.formation_names

rename_dict = {'Basement' : 'Basement_new', 'CPB_Fault_01' : 'Euler'}


print pts.formation_names
['Basement' 'CPB_Fault_01' 'CPB_Fault_02' 'CPB_Fault_03' 'CPB_Fault_04'
 'CPB_Fault_05' 'CPB_Fault_06' 'CPB_Fault_07' 'CPB_Fault_08' 'CPB_Fault_09'
 'CPB_Fault_10' 'CPB_Fault_11_Serpentine' 'CPB_Fault_12_Darling'
 'CPB_Fault_13' 'CPB_Fault_14' 'CPB_Fault_15' 'CPB_Fault_16'
 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_02' 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_03'
 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_04' 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_05'
 'Cattamarra_Coal_Measures' 'Eneabba_Fm' 'Gage_Ss' 'Kockatea_Shale'
 'Late_Triassic' 'Leederville_Fm' 'Lesueur_Ss' 'Lower_crust' 'Moho'
 'Neocomian_Unc' 'Permian' 'Sea_level' 'South_Perth_Sh' 'Topo'
 'Yarragadee_Fm' 'Yilgarn']
Change name from CPB_Fault_01 to Euler
Change name from Basement to Basement_new
['Basement_new' 'CPB_Fault_02' 'CPB_Fault_03' 'CPB_Fault_04' 'CPB_Fault_05'
 'CPB_Fault_06' 'CPB_Fault_07' 'CPB_Fault_08' 'CPB_Fault_09' 'CPB_Fault_10'
 'CPB_Fault_11_Serpentine' 'CPB_Fault_12_Darling' 'CPB_Fault_13'
 'CPB_Fault_14' 'CPB_Fault_15' 'CPB_Fault_16' 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_02'
 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_03' 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_04'
 'CPB_Fault_Transverse_05' 'Cattamarra_Coal_Measures' 'Eneabba_Fm' 'Euler'
 'Gage_Ss' 'Kockatea_Shale' 'Late_Triassic' 'Leederville_Fm' 'Lesueur_Ss'
 'Lower_crust' 'Moho' 'Neocomian_Unc' 'Permian' 'Sea_level'
 'South_Perth_Sh' 'Topo' 'Yarragadee_Fm' 'Yilgarn']

More ideas

The methods could be used to check different geological interpretations quickly, i.e. different data sets for Moho structures, etc.: Create one model, load different data sets and compute the models.

It would also be possible to use the method directly to reproduce the “data thinning” example from Martin Putz’ 2001 paper - might be interesting as an indication for interpolation stability.

In extension: it should be possible to perform a kind of “bootstrapping” method to test interpolation uncertainty with respect to data density!

I didn’t check, but it might be possible to load 3D structural data through the API (although not sure, as a lot of checks are performed in the GUI). If this is possible, then all of the previous methods could easily be automated and/or included in model validity and uncertainty estimation steps!

And with a bit of coding:

It should be relatively simple to add some more functionality, for example to create a simple data density plot, as a “zero order” estimation of model uncertainty with respect to available data (i.e. no data, high uncertainty).

Orientation Data Sets

The functionality for orientation data sets is very similar to the point data sets as the main functionality is really for sorting and adapting parameters according to location and formation, and not so much for actual operations that affect the vectorial information (althoguh it might be interesting to include a vector-specific upscaling/ averaging, etc. - but this is not implemented to date).

Loading a data set is exactly as before, and the plotting commands now show the location of orientation data:

# only required during testing stage
# use example data
fol = struct_data.Struct3DFoliations(filename = r'../data/wt_Foliations.csv')
fol.plot_plane(formation_names = 'Yarragadee_Fm')